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How to Reset the Rino 750, 750t, or 755t

There are a few instances in which it is necessary to perform a full reset on a Rino® 750, 750t, or 755t outdoor radio, including the following:

  • Not receiving a radio signal

  • Restoring the factory default settings

  • Not functioning properly

The information and steps below will walk you through backing up your data and resetting.

Before Resetting

Performing a full reset can cause user data loss. User data is waypoints, routes, tracks, activities, contacts, and geocaches.

It is recommended to back up important data with BaseCamp™ software before resetting. For steps, see Related.

NOTE: Contacts cannot be backed up and will be erased during a reset. Contacts can be re-added by accepting the prompt to save the contact once the other device has initiated a transmission.

If removing data is desired to eliminate corrupt data or free up space, see Related.

Performing a Full Reset

  1. Power the Rino handheld off.

  2. Press and hold Call Call Key (found on top left of the device).

  3. Press and hold Power Power Key to power the device on while still holding down the Call button.

  4. Release the Power button when the Garmin logo appears, but do not release the Call button yet.

  5. Release the Call button once you see the Erase all user data? message on the screen.

  6. Touch Erase.

The Rino handheld has now been reset. You will want to take the device outside in a clear view of the sky for a minimum of 20 minutes to re-acquire satellite data.

Reset with Device Stuck at Garmin Logo

  1. Power the Rino handheld off.

  2. Press and hold: Call, Volume Up, and Volume Down buttons.

  3. While holding the button combo: Press the Power button.

  4. Release all the buttons when the Garmin logo appears.

The Rino handheld should produce a beep and load the Main Menu
