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What Does Fitness Age Mean in Garmin Connect?
Fitness Age is an estimate of how fit you are compared to your actual age. Compatible Garmin® devices will measure your Fitness Age differently, depending on which device you have. Use the following links to jump to the different topics in this FAQ.
Your Fitness Age is calculated using your VO2 max estimate. While your VO2 max estimate describes your current fitness level, it is not always easy to know what it means. Fitness Age reinterprets your VO2 max score in terms of age to make it more relatable. Regularly engaging in the right types of physical activity will help you boost your VO2 max estimate score and will reduce your Fitness Age.
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How Do I View My Fitness Age Using VO2 Max?
If your Garmin device is compatible with Fitness Age using VO2 max and you have a VO2 max estimate, you can view your Fitness Age in your Garmin Connect™ account. Choose your preferred platform below to reveal instructions.
From a web browser, sign into your Garmin Connect account.
Select Reports from the navigation bar on the left.
Select All Activities
Select VO2 Max.
Select View Your Fitness Age.
Improved Fitness Age Using Additional Factors
On select newer Garmin devices, improved Fitness Age now takes into account activity intensity, resting heart rate, and body fat percentage or BMI. You will need a Garmin Index Smart Scale to receive a body fat percentage measurement in Garmin Connect. If your body fat percentage is unavailable, your body mass index (BMI) is used to calculate Fitness Age. Check the list below to see if your device is compatible.
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What Is a Good Fitness Age?
If your Fitness Age is lower than your actual age, then you are on the right track. If it is higher, there may be some areas you can work on to improve it. Along with your current Fitness Age, the Garmin Connect program provides a target achievable Fitness Age for you to strive toward. Action steps will also be provided that can help you reach your achievable Fitness Age. These recommendations will change dynamically as you make progress toward your fitness goals.
How Do I View My Improved Fitness Age Using Additional Factors?
If your Garmin device is compatible with improved Fitness Age, you can view your Fitness Age in Garmin Connect program. Select devices may also support viewing the Fitness Age on the device directly (refer to your owner's manual and search "Viewing Your Fitness Age"). Choose your preferred platform below to reveal instructions.
From a web browser, sign into your Garmin Connect account.
Select Health Stats in the navigation bar on the left.
Select Fitness Age.
My Device Supports Improved Fitness Age, But It Is Not Displaying One or Updating
If your device supports improved Fitness Age but you do not receive a Fitness Age, or you feel your Fitness Age should have updated, it may be due to one of these factors:
Missing Data
The following data is required in your Garmin Connect user settings in order to receive an improved Fitness Age:
Resting heart rate
Body fat percentage, or height and weight
A gender selection of male or female
Stale Weight Data
If your weight or body fat percentage measurement is older than 7 days, you will need to either add a weight manually in Garmin Connect program or use a Garmin Index Smart Scale to record a body fat percentage in order to receive your updated Fitness Age.
If you are using a device compatible with improved Fitness Age, you may have noticed your Fitness Age report in Garmin Connect program is showing a different value than it had been, and some of the past values may no longer be showing at all. The new method for calculating Fitness Age will give more accurate estimates, and past data utilizing the VO2 max method will no longer be displayed in Garmin Connect in favor of the newer more accurate measures.
My Fitness Age Report is Recommending that I Increase My Vigorous Days. How Are Those Measured?
Getting a minimum of 5 vigorous intensity minutes at least 3 days per week can help lower your Fitness Age.
More days with vigorous activity can have a greater impact on your Fitness Age.
Remember to work in periods of rest to let your body recover.
A minimum of 5 continuous vigorous intensity minutes is required for a day to qualify as vigorous.
Major health organizations agree that getting a minimum of 75 vigorous intensity minutes each week is a great way to improve health, but spreading your weekly activity across multiple days is also important. This not only prevents fatigue, but reduces the risk of injury, as well.
Always consult your physician before beginning or modifying any exercise program. Do not perform vigorous exercise if you have a heart condition, unless advised otherwise by your physician.
If all four of the criteria for improving fitness age are being met (display a green check mark), your target achievable fitness age will no longer display as you are already at your minimum fitness age.