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Edge 1040 Solar Battery Life Expectations

The battery life of your Edge device may be impacted by the usage of features within the product or the manner in which it is used. The information in the tables below is presented to help outline the conditions used to determine the estimated battery life specification. The additional usage of these features or other features not included below may result in reduced battery life. The information presented below is presented as a general guide for reference only on the Edge 1040 Solar product.

Use Case Description
LowBattery SaverMidDemanding
GPS SettingGPSGPSMulti-GNSS Multi-BandMulti-GNSS Multi-Band
Number of Paired ANT Sensors0224
ANT Sensor TypeN/ASpeed, CadenceSpeed, CadenceSpeed, Cadence, Heart, Power
Phone Paired & ConnectedNoYesYesYes
LiveTrack EnabledNoYesYesYes
Backlight BrightnessAutoReduced1AutoAuto
Backlight TimeoutStays On 15 Second1 Stays OnStays On
Notifications Received Per Hour0448
User Interface Interactions Per Hour5101015
User Interface ConfigurationActivity Timer PageActivity Timer PageActivity Timer PageMap Page
Following a Course2NoYesNoYes
Operating Temperature Range10C - 40C10C - 40C10C - 40C10C - 40C
Estimated Battery Life Without SolarUp to 90 hoursUp to 70 hoursUp to 40 hoursUp to 35 hours
Estimated Battery Life With Solar3Up to 180 hoursUp to 100 hoursUp to 50 hoursUp to 45 hours

Rearview Radar Usage

The usage of a Garmin Varia Rearview Radar with your Edge device may result in an additional reduction in battery life. This potential, additional reduction in battery life will vary depending upon traffic conditions and the number of vehicles in the vicinity of the radar device during operation.

1 Battery Saver Backlight - The backlight brightness and timeout settings do not automatically change when Battery Saver is enabled. Users may change the backlight brightness after enabling Battery Saver by selecting Reduce Backlight in the Battery Saver menu. Users may change the backlight timeout through System->Display. Leaving the brightness set to Auto and timeout set to Stays On may result in a reduction in battery life.

2 Following a Course - Each course is unique in regard to the number and type of alerts generated. The number of alerts generated by the course will impact battery life. Courses that generate a large number or frequent alerts will consume more battery life than courses with fewer turns or alerts.

3 Solar Charging - This calculation assumes that daytime riding is done in consistent 75,000 lux conditions. To extend battery life further, see “Tips for Using the Edge 1040 Solar Device” in the Owner’s Manual.

The Solar harvester will always be enabled in the specified temperature range. However, when the battery is at or near 100% the harvester may reduce its power output which may reduce the overall improvement in battery life.
