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SD Card Not Detected, Recognized, or Incompatible in Garmin Express
Garmin Express may display an SD card as incompatible or fail to detect the SD card if there is a problem with the card or the computer's USB configuration.
NOTE: You may need to restart your computer to install any computer updates before performing the steps below.
1. Ensure Garmin Express is up to date
2. Confirm the GPS device supports this process by reviewing Garmin Express Prompts to "Use A Memory Card (Recommended)"
3. Make sure the SD card is within the size limits and has enough space. See SD Memory Card Sizes for Automotive Devices.
4. Make sure the SD card is fully inserted. Some devices have a spring-loaded slot that will click softly when the card is in far enough. Garmin Express will not work with a separate card reader.
This Video is a Quick and Easy way to Learn How to Insert the microSD Card.
5. Make sure the USB cable is plugged directly into the device and the computer:
- Do not use a USB hub or extension cable
- Use the USB ports on the back of desktop computers
6. Unplug all USB devices (except for the mouse and keyboard), reboot the computer, and connect again
7. Try a different USB port on the computer
9. Try using a different SD card
10. Run Garmin Express as an administrator
11. Run Garmin Express on a different computer
- If using a Mac computer, you can try a different Admin User before trying another computer.
- Contact Apple for instructions.
A functioning SD card should be detected if these troubleshooting steps are taken.