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How do I know which Terrain resolution to download for my G1000?

The Terrain resolution used on a G1000 is based on the GDU software version that the system is running.

  • If the GDU software version is under 9.00, then you must use Worldwide 30 arc/sec Terrain.
  • If the GDU software version is between 9.00 and 14.99, you must use Worldwide 9 arc/sec Terrain.
  • If the GDU software version is 15.00 or higher, you must use Worldwide 4.9 arc/sec Terrain.
  • If you fly a helicopter equipped with a G1000H, you can download the regionalized high-resolution Terrain database if your GDU software version is under 14.99. However, if your GDU software version is 15.00 or higher, you must use Worldwide 4.9 arc/sec Terrain.

To check the GDU software version on your G1000, please navigate to the AUX > System Status page on the MFD. Press the “LRU” softkey. Scroll down through the LRU list and find the MFD version. That will be the GDU software version used to determine the correct Terrain resolution to install.
