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Automotive Devices That Play MP3 Files

The following table lists the Garmin devices capable of playing MP3 music files and the number of MP3 files each device can read. These are the max 1  number of MP3s the device can read altogether, whether they are on the device directly or on a microSD/SD data card. It is recommended to load MP3 files to an external microSD/SD card so your device's internal memory has enough space for necessary files such as map data and saved waypoints.

MP3 Compatibility

Device Series

Maximum Number of MP3s

BMW Motorrad Navigator IV

2000 songs

BMW Motorrad Navigator V and BMW Motorrad Navigator VI

1000 songs

BMW Motorrad zumo 550

1000 songs

BMW nüvi® 350, 360, 760 and 880

1000 songs

BMW nüvi® 765

2000 songs

Camper/RV 785

1000 songs

Camper/RV 890

1000 songs

Camper/RV 1090

1000 songs

Can-Am Spyder zumo 550

1000 songs

Can-Am Spyder zumo 590LM

1000 songs

Can-Am Spyder zumo 660

2000 songs

dezl 780 and dēzlCam™ 785

1000 songs

Harley Davidson Roadtech zumo 550

1000 songs

Harley Davidson Roadtech zumo 590LM

1000 songs

Harley Davidson Roadtech zumo 660

2000 songs

Harley Davidson Roadtech zumo 665

2000 songs

nüvi® 295W

No limit

nüvi® 300 series

1000 songs

nüvi® 600 series

1000 songs

nüvi® 700 series

1000 songs

nüvi® 705 series

2000 songs

nüvi® 800 series

1000 songs

nüvi® 805 series

1000 songs

nüvi® 5000

1000 songs

Polaris zumo 660

2000 songs

StreetPilot® c550 and 580

500 songs

StreetPilot® 2820

500 songs

StreetPilot® 7000 series

500 songs

Tread®, Tread® - Base Edition, Tread® 2, Tread® Textron

5000 songs

zumo 395, 396, and 595

1000 songs

zumo 450 and 550

1000 songs

zumo 590

1000 songs

zumo 660 and 665

2000 songs

zumo XT

5000 songs

zumo XT2

5000 songs

1The numbers in the table above are estimates. The actual number of MP3 files a device can support can vary depending on the quality and length of each file.