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Changing vehicle type or usage mode on a nuvi 300 or 600 series device

The vehicle type determines how the device will calculate routes. For additional details on how each of these vehicle types works, view the list at the bottom of this article.

To change the vehicle type:

  1. Touch Settings
    • Wrench Icon on the nuvi 600 series
  2. Touch Navigation
  3. Touch the box adjacent to Vehicle
  4. Touch the desired vehicle type
  5. Touch OK to save the change

Repeat the steps above to change the vehicle type again.

Vehicle types and usage modes:

  • Car/Motorcycle: This is the most-used setting that will give you turn by turn directions based on mapping and road information.
  • Pedestrian: This mode is used when you are walking and will avoid highways. This setting will also keep you away from larger roads and will prefer smaller side streets.
  • Bicycle: Turn-by-turn street directions. Will recognize smaller roads or side streets but will avoid highways.
  • Bus: If possible, this vehicle type will designate you on a particular area's bus route. This setting also changes the expected speeds and arrival time.
  • Emergency: This option will route your vehicle on specified emergency routes, if available.
  • Taxi: If possible, this setting will designate routes which are well-traveled by taxis and will also change the expected speeds and arrival time.
  • Truck: This setting will provide turn-by-turn directions using major roads. This setting will also attempt to keep you off parkways or small streets where it would be hard to turn around with a larger vehicle.
  • Off Road: Routes calculated in this mode are displayed as a direct-line route from your current location to the destination.