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Public Land Map Overlay Information
The Tread® 2 has a feature called a Federal Public Land map layer. This shows the differences in National Forest, reservations, BLM (Bureau of Land Management), etc. The map coverage is for the United States only.
Note: This layer is not HuntView and does not contain any private land ownership information. This layer is also more prominent in the western U.S.
Map Layer Legend
Colored Shading Within this Layer:
Orange – Native American Lands
Yellow – Bureau of Land Management
Light Green – National Forest
Dark Green – Protected Wilderness
Purple – National Park or Monument
Pink – Department of Defense/Army Corp of Engineers
Blue – Scenic River
Gray- State Forest/Recreational Area/Conservation Area/Wildlife Management Area
Confirming the Public Land Map is Enabled
The public land map must be enabled in order to use it on the Garmin Tread® Series devices. You can confirm this map is enabled by following the steps below.
1. Touch Map Manager.
2. Select Manage Device Maps.
3. Select the three lines in the upper left corner, and select Installed Maps.
4. Touch the down arrow to expand the map list.
5. Scroll down and find Garmin Public Land Map.
- If the map is unchecked place a check mark next to Garmin Public Land Map.
Disabling the Map Layer
Public Land data can be toggled on and off as desired via the map page.
1. Touch View Map.
2. Touch the Map Layers icon.
3. Scroll down through the map layers offered and select Public Lands to check or uncheck the box.
The map layer has now been disabled and remains disabled until you enable it again.