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"The Memory Card Must Be Formatted" Message on an Automotive Device

Important: Do not format the card, as this will delete any preloaded or downloaded mapping that may exist.  On devices that use a second memory card for built-in dash cams, this message refers to the data card instead of the video card. 

Garmin DriveAssist™ 50 | Garmin DriveAssist™ 51 GPS navigators with camera, see Formatting the Camera microSD Memory Card or Map microSD Memory Card on a Garmin DriveAssist™ Device.
Garmin DriveCam™ 76 GPS navigator with camera, see Formatting the Camera microSD Memory Card or Map microSD Memory Card on a Garmin DriveCam™ 76 Device.
Camper 785 & Traffic caravan and motorhome sat nav with camera | RV 785 & Traffic RV navigator with camera, see Formatting the Camera microSD Card or Map microSD Card on a dēzlCam™ 785 or Camper/RV 785.
Camper 795 caravan and motorhome sat nav | RV 795 RV navigator, see Formatting the Camera microSD Memory Card or Map microSD Memory Card on a CamperCam/RVcam 795.

  • Minimum microSD card size limitations prevent your device from working properly with microSD cards 2 GB or smaller. If a 2 GB or smaller microSD card is inserted, an error message may appear, stating that "The memory card must be formatted to work with the device" and requesting to format the card.

If the map on the card came pre-loaded to that card, there is no way to transfer that map to a larger card for use with the device.

If the map on the card was purchased as a download less than one year prior to receiving this message, you can re-download the map to a larger card. For instructions, see  Installing a New Map Region to an Automotive Device

microSD cards from 4 GB to 64 GB will not encounter this limitation. For more information about recommended SD card sizes, see SD Memory Card Sizes for Automotive Devices.