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Verify Maps are Installed and Enabled on the Tread 2
If your device displays the error "No matches found" or "Cannot Find Search Results" after a map update, this may indicate the full maps were not installed to the device or a map is not enabled. The device will not be able to find any entered locations if the mapping is disabled or necessary mapping is missing. Check the device's mapping to confirm this.
To Enable the Mapping:
1. Touch Map Manager.
2. Select Manage Device Maps.
3. Select the three lines in the upper left corner, and select Installed Maps.
4. Touch the down arrow to expand the map list.
5. Make note of the name of the map region, which is listed next to the map version. Ensure the mapping has a checkmark in the box next to the map to confirm it is enabled.
- If a map does not have a checkmark, it is not enabled. Place a checkmark in the empty box to enable the map.
Devices loaded with North American mapping will have the map displayed as two separate entries:
CN North America ALL Canada and Mexico
CN North America ALL US
See the FAQ North America Map Coverage for more information.
If your device does not have one or both of the above entries, see Maps Missing After Updating Maps on a Full Coverage Automotive Device for further troubleshooting steps if the mapping issue occurred after a map update while using Garmin Express.
To uninstall and reinstall mapping content over Wi-Fi, see Managing Maps on the Tread 2.
Your device should be able to locate destinations once the mapping has been enabled.
Try the following in order if the errors "No Matches Found" or "Cannot Find Search Results" continue to appear when searching for a destination: