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Test Garmin GPS Receiver or Product Using Google Earth Pro

Google Earth Pro is a free mapping program offered by Google that can be used with external GPS devices. It is compatible with Garmin Bluetooth, Serial and USB receivers, and products that have Spanner Mode. Because of this, it can be a quick and easy diagnostic tool to determine if a GPS receiver or product is communicating with the computer and receiving a GPS signal.

Garmin Devices Compatible with Google Earth Pro

Bluetooth Receivers

  • GPS 10x
  • GPS 10
  • GLO™ series

Serial Receivers

  • GPS 18/x PC

USB Receivers

  • GPS 18/x
  • GPS 20x

Products with Spanner Mode

Some outdoor handheld examples include:

  • GPSMAP® 64 series
  • GPSMAP® 65 series
  • Montana® series
  • Oregon® 700

To determine if your device supports Spanner Mode, refer to your owner's manual - Finding the Owner's Manual for a Garmin Device.

Testing a GPS Receiver or Product with Google Earth Pro

NOTE: Google Earth Pro requires an internet connection to function and display maps. Both sets of steps below are provided as a courtesy by Garmin. Our troubleshooting is limited to Garmin device operation and not the function of Google Earth Pro. If these steps do not work, reach out to Google for further assistance with their program.

  1. Download and install Google Earth Pro.
  2. Connect the device (Bluetooth or Cable).
  3. Open Google Earth Pro.
  4. Click Tools.
  5. Click GPS.
  6. Select the Realtime tab.
  7. Select the appropriate GPS protocol:
    • Select NMEA if using a Bluetooth or Serial device.
    • Select Garmin PVT if using a USB device.
  8. Place a checkmark next to Automatically follow the path.
  9. Click Start.
  10. Google Earth Pro will scan the different COM/USB ports of the computer until it finds the port used by your GPS.
  11. Once the GPS is connected and has a satellite signal, the map will automatically zoom in to your current position.
    • Also, Your Realtime GPS Position will show in Places > Temporary Places.

If Google Earth Pro does not find the port used by your GPS device when attempting the above steps, a possible workaround is provided below.

  1. Start Real-Time Tracking in Google Earth.
  2. Check which COM port Google Earth is attempting to read from.
    Google Earth COM Port
  3. Stop Real-Time Tracking in Google Earth.
  4. Using a program like PuTTY, open that same COM port.
    PuTTY Terminal
  5. Start Real-Time Tracking in Google Earth. It should start looking for other ports.
  6. Once it finds the one reporting GPS, PuTTY can be closed.