- Touch Where To? or Search
- Touch Apps first then Apps again on some devices.
Touch Add Shortcut or Personalise
You may need to scroll down.
Select the Shortcut or Search Tool to add
Available shortcuts:
Favorite Search
Selecting Favorite Search will prompt you to enter search terms such as a specific word or a particular business/chain name.
Selecting Category allows you to select among the following Point of Interest (POI) categories:
Restaurants, Shopping, Everyday Life, Gas Stations, Banks & ATMs, Parking, Rest Areas, Art & Entertainment, Attractions, Recreation, Medical Care, Transit, and Lodging. Some of these POI categories also allow you to select among further subcategories if you wish to narrow the search. For example, Barbecue, Car Washes, Movie Theaters, and so on.
Saved Place, Waypoint, or Favorite
Selecting Saved Place, Waypoint, or Favorite allows you to create a shortcut to any of the locations you have saved. This is ideal for locations to which you frequently travel. Adding a shortcut allows you to select a favorite location without having to browse through those Saved locations.
Available Search Tools:
(not available on all devices) Address, Intersections, Cities, and Coordinates. (Foursquare and Trip Planner available on some devices).
The shortcut now appears in the Where To? menu until it is removed. Repeat the above steps to add more shortcuts. Up to 36 shortcuts may be added to the Where To? menu. If you have already added 36 shortcuts, the Add Shortcut icon will not display.