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Outdoor Device Not Detected by Garmin BaseCamp on a Mac

USB communication issues can prevent your Garmin device from being detected by Garmin BaseCamp.

See below for steps that can be taken to get Garmin BaseCamp to recognize your Garmin.

NOTE: If you have a watch that features Garmin Pay or music storage, it will not be displayed a removable disk in Finder. If you have a Monterra, see - Monterra compatibility with Garmin Mac applications on macOS.

Verify the Garmin Shows a Connection Icon

Most devices will display an icon on the screen indicating that the device is communicating with your computer.  

These icons vary, but some examples include:

Watch Battery Percentage Outdoor Handheld Mass Storage Mode Icon

Garmin Device is Not Recognized by the Mac

When a device is properly connected to a Mac computer, it will be displayed as a removable disk drive in Finder. 

Check if OS X Recognizes the Connection

  1. Connect the Garmin to the computer.
  2. Open Finder.
  3. Click Go in the menu bar.
  4. Click Computer.

The Garmin device will display as a disk drive icon and will generally be labeled GARMIN

Drive Location in Finder

Ensure the Mac Recognizes the USB Connection

Try a Different USB Cable

  • A Garmin branded cable is preferred. If one is not available, use a data-capable cable.
  • If a new cable must be purchased, ensure that the cable is a USB Data Cable and not just a USB Charging Cable.
  • See Related Content for information about what size of USB cable your device requires.
    Mini USBMicro USB
    Mini USB CableMicro USB Cable

Ensure That the USB Port Is Working Properly

  • Try a different USB port on your computer and/or test the USB port with a different USB device.
  • Avoid connecting through a USB hub, USB extension cable, keyboard, or monitor.
  • On desktop computers, use the USB ports on the back of your computer.
    USB laptop connectionUSB Plugged into Computer

Ensure the Contacts Are Clean on a Wrist-Worn Device

The following non-abrasive substances can be used to clean the contacts:

  • Rubbing alcohol/Isopropyl (Recommended method)
  • Eyeglass cleaner
  • Electronic screen wipes
  • Pencil eraser

NOTE: Watch this video for instructions on cleaning the contacts of a Garmin watch - Support: Troubleshoot Charging a Garmin Watch

Restart the Computer and Try Again

  1. Click the Apple icon in the menu bar.
  2. Click Restart...
  3. Click Restart to confirm.

Garmin Is Recognized by the Mac but Not by BaseCamp

Other programs may be actively communicating with your device while it is plugged into a computer. Try closing out other Garmin applications that may be reading your device. 

  • Example: If Garmin BaseCamp is not seeing your device, but Garmin Express is, close Garmin Express. 

If other programs are not interfering, try the following:

Ensure That Garmin BaseCamp Is up to Date

  1. Click Garmin BaseCamp in the menu bar.
  2. Click About Garmin BaseCamp.
  3. Click Check for Updates to Garmin BaseCamp.
    If the Garmin BaseCamp program is running the latest version, Check for Updates will not be an option.
  4. If there is an update available, click Install Now and follow the prompts to complete the update.

Ensure That the Garmin Is up to Date

  1. Open Garmin Express.
  2. Add or Select your Garmin.
  3. Click Install Now if any updates are available.
  4. Follow the prompts in Garmin Express to complete the update.

What if These Steps Did Not Resolve the Issue?

Visit the Garmin BaseCamp section of Support Center and you will find the available Product Support contact options in the Contact an Expert section.
