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Alpha 100 Dog Tracking Compass Menu: List Sync, Big Numbers and Small Numbers

On the Dog Tracking Compass of the Alpha® 100, several menu options can change how the dogs are displayed on the Tracking list on the bottom of the screen, as well as how the Training list at the top is controlled. Tapping the menu will reveal the menu options: Big Numbers or Small Numbers, and List Sync On or List Sync Off. This dynamic menu will change the available option depending on what is currently selected.  

  1. From the Home screen, touch the Dog Tracking Compass Tool: alpha compass
  2. Touch hamburger in the bottom of the screen
  3. From the menu options available, the following several options change depending on what is currently selected:
  • Touch Big Numbers
    • Will show one dog per tracking page
    • The font is large
    • The one dog's arrow is the only one showing on the compass.
    • The entire list field shows just that one dog 
    • Left and Right arrows near the top of the display and near the bottom of the display will scroll through the training pages and the tracked dogs in the list
  • Touch Small Numbers
    • Will shows a maximum of three dogs per tracking page
    • The font is small to accommodate the three dogs showing
    • There can be up to three tracking arrows on the compass for the corresponding dogs
    • The lower list field shows up to three dogs
    • Left and Right arrows near the top of the display and near the bottom of the display will scroll through the training pages and the tracked dogs in the list
  • Touch List Sync On
    • Syncs the Tracking List and the Training List providing only one set of left and right arrows to scroll through the tracking list and training list
    • Supersedes and removes the Big Numbers and Small numbers as menu options
  • Touch List Sync Off
    • Deactivates the List Sync feature described above
    • Restores the ability to choose Big Number/ Small Numbers menu options
    • Reverts to the last choice of either Big Numbers or Small numbers option that was previously selected