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Difficulty Locating Destinations in Another Country

If you are having difficulty finding locations for another country, you may be required to disable the mapping for the continent you are currently located in. For example, if you are searching for an address in Brazil but are currently located in the United States, you will need to disable the North America maps.

To Disable the Maps:

1. Touch Map Manager.

 Map Manager Tread 2

2. Select Manage Device Maps.

Manage Device Maps

3.  Select the three lines 3 lines icon  in the upper left corner, and select Installed Maps.

Installed maps tread 2 

4. Touch the box next to the maps you would like to disable.

Disable map Tread 2

Repeat the steps above to re-enable the maps.

For help finding locations see Searching for a Location in Another Country on an Automotive Device.