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Creating a Custom Workout in Garmin Connect

Choose your preferred Garmin Connect™ platform below to reveal instructions.

Garmin Connect App

  1. Open the Garmin Connect app.

  2. Select More (bottom right).

  3. Select Training & Planning.

  4. Select Workouts.

  5. Select Create a Workout.

  6. Select a Workout Type. Which Garmin Connect Workouts Are Compatible With My Garmin Watch?

  7. Set up the workout. For details on workout options see Garmin Connect Workout Options .

  8. Select Save.

  9. From the Workouts page, select the workout you want to send.

  10. Select the Send to Device icon: black box with a phone icon and an arrow pointing to the icon..

  11. Select the device to send the workout to.

The next time your device syncs with the Garmin Connect app, your workout will be sent.

Garmin Connect Web

NOTE: Sending a workout from Garmin Connect web to a device from a personal computer requires the Garmin Express™ software to be installed on the computer.

  1. From a web browser, sign into your Garmin Connect account.

  2. Select Training & Planning in the expanded navigation bar on the left.

  3. Select Workouts.

  4. Select Create a Workout.

  5. Select Select a Workout Type.  Which Garmin Connect Workouts Are Compatible With My Garmin Watch?

  6. Set up the workout. For details on workout options see the next section of the FAQ.

  7. Select Save Workout.

  8. From the Workouts page, the newly created workout will be listed. Select the Send to Device icon to the right: Two Opposing Parallel Arrows Icon.

  9. A Send to Device pop-up window will appear listing compatible devices the workout can be sent to. Select the device to send the workout to.

  10. Select Send to Device.

  11. Sync the device.

Workout Options

Garmin Connect provides an extensive list of options for you to choose from when creating a custom workout. See below for additional details on the list of options.

NOTE: Not all workout options listed may be available for your device. For more information on what is compatible with your device, see your owner's manual.

Step Types

The maximum number of workout steps that can be added to a workout is 50.

  • Warm Up: Example: 5 minute warm up run.

  • Activity Type (Run/Bike/Swim/etc.): Example: Run for 30 minutes.

  • Recover: A step done at a lower intensity that allows the body to recuperate and prepare for the next step in the workout.

    • This step may require you to select an exercise, move, or pose. If this is not desired, the Rest step would be a similar alternative. 

  • Rest: Example: Rest for 30 seconds.

  • Cool Down: Example: Cool down walk for 5 minutes.

  • Other: Generic workout step option.

Duration Type

Choosing a duration type allows you to indicate the metric you wish to trigger the progression of your workout.

  • Time

  • Distance

  • Lap Button Press

  • Calories

  • Heart Rate

    • You will choose to either reach above or drop below your target heart rate to move to the next step.

  • Power

    • You will choose to either reach above or drop below your target power to move to the next step.

Intensity Target

This allows your Garmin device to indicate to you when you are within a set range. The device will ignore other alerts that have been set when using this feature. For example, if you normally have a heart rate alert set for your activities, you would need to set up a heart rate target in the workout if you want to receive this same alert. Options for this feature include:

NOTE: Users with compatible Garmin devices will have a Secondary Target option. To learn more see: Garmin Connect Secondary Target Option

  • Pace

  • Cadence

  • Heart Rate Zone

  • Custom Heart Rate

  • Power Zones

    • If creating a Run workout, the Target Type: Power Zones will only be listed as an option if you have a Running watch the supports Running Power natively. For a list of watches that support this see, Garmin Running Power Device Requirements.

  • Custom Power

Adding a Circuit, Repeat, or Round

Some workout types have the option to add either a circuit, repeat, or round which are subsets of steps intended to be repeated a certain number of times before moving on to the next steps in the workout. The maximum number of repeats is 99.

Adding an Audio Note

Music capable watches paired with Bluetooth® headphones have the option to hear a custom audio note that has been added to your created workout. To add an audio note to your workouts, select a platform below:

Garmin Connect App

  1. Open the Garmin Connect App.

  2. Select More (bottom right).

  3. Select Training & Planning.

  4. Select Workouts.

  5. Select one of your created workouts.

  6. Select 3 dots Edit (top right).

  7. Select Edit Workout.

  8. Select a Step you want to add it to.

  9. Select Audio Note.

  10. When your phone requests permission to access the microphone, enable settings.

  11. Press and hold the microphone icon Microphone to record a note. The note can be up to 15 seconds long.

When you are performing the workout on the watch, the audio note will communicate to you through paired Bluetooth headphones during the step you had it set for.

Garmin Connect Web

  1. From a web browser, sign into your Garmin Connect account.

  2. Select Training & Planning from the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Select Workouts.

  4. Select a created workout or create new.

  5. Select Audio Note for any step you want to add a memo to.

  6. When you are prompted to access the microphone, enable settings.

  7. Select the microphone icon Microphone to record a note. The note cannot be more than 15 seconds long.

When you are performing the workout on the watch, the audio note will communicate to you through paired Bluetooth headphones during the step you had it set for.

Workout Time and Distance Estimates

Workout estimates are designed to give you an estimated time from the target distance, or an estimated distance from the target time in the programed steps. If your workout has any steps based on a target other than time or distance you will not get an estimate for that workout as a whole. Similarly, if there is a step based on a target other than timer or distance it will not have an estimate. 

Your estimates are based off your historical pace for that activity type. If you do not have enough historical data for a personal estimate, default estimates will be provided. 

Other Notable Items

25 is the maximum limit of non-scheduled workouts that a Garmin device can hold. Workouts preloaded to the device count against this limit.

Most devices limit the workout name to the first 15 characters. If you create and transfer multiple workouts where the first 15 characters are the same, only one workout will display on the device. To work around this, make sure the names vary within the first 15 characters.

Not all watches support viewing Workout Steps in Activity Splits when viewing a synced activity on Garmin Connect. For further details, see - Workout Step Types Shown in Activity Splits.

Some devices will automatically stop the activity timer once the final step of a workout has been completed. If you wish to continue the activity recording after the final step of the workout, press the start/stop button on your device to resume the activity timer.

Garmin Share can be used to send workouts to from one device to other devices wirelessly. Refer to Using Garmin Share for information and device compatibility.
